This expanded workbook is designed with you, the student, in mind and intended for use with the standard-setting Basics of Biblical Greek textbook, now in its third edition.
Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook [William D. Mounce] on Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook / New edition - eBook (433). Basics of Biblical Greek - All 36 Video Lectures Bundle [Video Download]. Download Biblical Greek: A Compact Guide, Second Edition by William D. Mounce is a handy, at-a-glance reference for students, pastors, and teachers. It follows the organization and format of the fourth edition of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, but it is also usable by students who learned with a different grammar.
Two optional chapters have been added to the Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, allowing you to read large chunks of the biblical text and enjoy the fruits of your labor faster than ever before. Each chapter is divided into six sections and includes extensive exercises and significant biblical passages for translation.
One of the most helpful and unique features of the workbook remains. You can go through the workbook on one of two tracks: Track 1 follows the workbook (and textbook) in its regular order, while Track 2 is organized so you can learn verbs earlier in the course.
Not only is the flexible two-track system even easier to use online, but a workbook answer key is also provided. Many other resources are available, including vocabulary flashcards; video and audio helps; Greek fonts; quizzes for each chapter; fun songs and games; and much, much more.
Download Book Basics Of Biblical Greek Workbook in PDF format. You can Read Online Basics Of Biblical Greek Workbook here in PDF, EPUB, Mobi or Docx formats.Basics Of Biblical Greek Workbook
Author :William D. MounceISBN :9780310521433
Genre :Religion
File Size : 55.54 MB
Format :PDF, ePub, Docs
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This expanded workbook is designed with you, the student, in mind and intended for use with the standard-setting Basics of Biblical Greek textbook, now in its third edition. Two optional chapters have been added to the Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, allowing you to read large chunks of the biblical text and enjoy the fruits of your labor faster than ever before. Each chapter is divided into six sections and includes extensive exercises and significant biblical passages for translation. One of the most helpful and unique features of the workbook remains. You can go through the workbook on one of two tracks: Track 1 follows the workbook (and textbook) in its regular order, while Track 2 is organized so you can learn verbs earlier in the course. Not only is the flexible two-track system even easier to use online, but a workbook answer key is also provided. Many other resources are available, including vocabulary flashcards; video and audio helps; Greek fonts; quizzes for each chapter; fun songs and games; and much, much more.
Basics Of Biblical Greek Grammar
Author :William D. MounceISBN :9780310537441
Genre :Religion
File Size : 68.53 MB
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Clear. Understandable. Carefully organized. Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar by William D. Mounce is the standard textbook for colleges and seminaries. Since its initial publication in 1993 its integrated approach has helped more than 250,000 students learn New Testament Greek. The fourth edition of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar has been updated throughout based on continuing feedback from professors, students, self-learners, and homeschoolers, making it even more effective for today’s students. As well, improvements have been made based on recent developments in scholarship. The key to the effectiveness of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar in helping students learn is in how it introduces them to the language. Students learn about the features of the Greek language in a logical order, with each lesson building upon the one before it. Unnecessary obstacles that discourage students and hinder progress are removed, such as rote memorization of endless verbal paradigms. Instead students receive encouragement along the way to assure them they are making the necessary progress. As well, detailed discussions are included at key junctures to help students grasp important concepts. By the time students have worked their way through Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar they will have learned: The Greek Alphabet Vocabulary for words occurring 50 times or more in the Greek New Testament The Greek noun system The Greek verbal system, including indicative and nonindicative verbs, and participles A robust suite of learning aids is available for purchase to be used alongside the textbook to help students excel in their studies. These include a workbook, video lectures for each chapter featuring the author, flashcards keyed to vocabulary in each chapter, a laminated quick study sheet with key concepts, and audio of the vocabulary for each chapter to aid in acquisition.
Basics Of Biblical Greek
Author :William D. MounceISBN :0310232112
Genre :Bible
File Size : 45.81 MB
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Basics is a first year Greek grammar, supported by a workbook and teacher aids. It now comes with a CD ROM.
Learn Biblical Greek Pack 2 0
Author :William D. MounceISBN :0310100259
Genre :
File Size : 80.49 MB
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This pack contains everything you need to learn the original language of the New Testament, whether you are enrolled in a class or learning on your own. It includes the most popular introductory Greek grammar today (Basics of Biblical Greek), the corresponding workbook, 36 video lessons on six DVDs, and other important learning tools.
Learn Biblical Greek Pack
Author :William D. MounceISBN :031051438X
Genre :Foreign Language Study
File Size : 45.62 MB
Format :PDF, Kindle
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This pack contains everything you need to learn the original language of the New Testament, no matter if you are already enrolled in a class or learning on your own. It includes 36 video lessons on six DVDs, the most popular introductory Greek grammar today (Basics of Biblical Greek), along with the corresponding workbook, audio, and other necessary tools. First published in 1993, William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, now in its third edition, has consistently been rated as the most helpful introduction to the field, and a collection of complementary tools provides readers with a holistic learning experience. In addition to the textbook, the pack includes: Basics of Biblical Greek Video Lectures, featuring 36 video lessons accompanying the passages in the textbook. Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, with study exercises and passages for translation practice. Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards, including 1,000 vocabulary flashcards for studying. Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Audio, to help with correct pronunciation and ordered according to the textbook. Biblical Greek Laminated Sheet, for a quick reference guide to common language questions. The Learn Biblical Greek Pack includes everything you need to start learning Greek today and find new depth reading God's Word in the language it was originally written.
Commentary And Reference Survey
Author :John GlynnISBN :0825427363
Genre :Religion
File Size : 59.96 MB
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This reliable guide lists and ranks approximately 800 Bible commentaries and 1,200 printed volumes, as well as numerous computer resources related to biblical interpretation, theology, and church history. Commentaries are categorized by level and approach and recommended titles are highlighted. A unique and special studies section lists works of significance for each book of the Bible.
Basics Of Biblical Greek Grammar
Author :Zondervan,ISBN :9780310521440
Genre :Religion
File Size : 28.33 MB
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First published in 1993, Basics of Biblical Greek is the most popular introduction to the field, used in universities and seminaries around the world. Over 250,000 students have learned biblical Greek under its guidance. This significant third edition has been carefully developed in consultation with instructors, students, self-learners, and homeschoolers. Users can now take advantage of the many improvements made to the book's website,, where they will find--for free--an online course that walks students through every chapter, vocabulary flashcards, video and audio helps, Greek fonts, quizzes for each chapter, fun songs and games, and much more. Now in a larger size, with an attractive 2-color design, the third edition adds an element of fun, with encouragement, songs, and more, which appear in the margins. Chapter 35 has been split into two chapters, 'half-time review' sections have been added to every chapter, and new exegesis sections are now included. These and other improvements serve to enhance the learning experience and will continue BBG's legacy as the premier introduction to biblical Greek.
Reading Biblical Greek
Author :Richard J. GibsonISBN :0310528038
Genre :Foreign Language Study

File Size : 55.30 MB
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The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is a companion resource to Reading Biblical Greek: A Grammar for Students. The workbook breaks up the Greek text of Mark 1-4 into manageable portions and provides the vocabulary and grammatical assistance required for beginning students. The Reading Biblical Greek Workbook is an integral part of the learning experience for students, it helps them to read and translate the Greek of the New Testament, and ultimately equips them to read the Greek New Testament itself. The student will have read and translated the whole of Mark 1-4 by the time they complete the workbook
Stevens Greek Workbook
Author :Gerald L. StevensISBN :9781532619199
Genre :Religion
Basics Of Biblical Greek Workbook Download Pdf
File Size : 40.39 MBFormat :PDF
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Stevens Greek Workbook complements the 'Stevens Greek' module in the widely-acclaimed Accordance software program as a workbook of exercises keyed to this text. Features include illustrative charts and diagrams, English derivatives for assigned vocabulary aiding memory, a remedial English grammar review, an answer key, and eighteen beautiful images distributed throughout the workbook offering historical vignettes to illustrate the New Testament world and its language. Teaching New Testament Greek for almost thirty years, Stevens has traveled widely overseas to bring a rich knowledge of Greek, the New Testament world, and practical classroom pedagogy to the table to make this workbook an eminently useful tool for acquiring a working knowledge of New Testament Greek in its first-century context.
A Workbook For New Testament Syntax
Author :Daniel B. WallaceISBN :9780310874270
Genre :Religion
File Size : 71.49 MB
Basics Of Biblical Greek Grammar
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